It's Better Together: MSPA 2024 Fall Conference
MSPA is proud to announce our two day conference on October 24th & 25th at the Sheraton Four Points in Norwood. The title this year, It’s Better Together!, highlights our interest in providing a place where school psychologists across the commonwealth come together for learning and connection.
We have 23+ sessions planned for this year. It includes exciting sessions on WAIS-5, reading and math disabilities, school climate, AI, school psychologist wellness, substance use, and so much more. New this year - a special strand on Thursday for supervisors! Here is the link to the conference sessions: MSPA 2024 Conference Sessions.pdf
If you have any questions about the conference itself, please contact Mary Cohen, If you have questions specific to registration, please contact Andy Koerner,
School Psychology Supervision Strand
“The School Psychology Supervision Strand” is a targeted three session opportunity for individuals to enhance their supervision of school psychology graduate students. The workshops are being led by university faculty. We invite new and experienced school psychology supervisors to attend, and the Institute will provide payment for the full Thursday registration ($200) for the first 30 attendees who meet three basic criteria: 3 years of experience as a school psychologist, supervised a trainee within 5 years, and attend all three sessions. All other aspects of the conference on Thursday will be available to participants. For questions about the Supervision Strand please contact Laura Rogers,
To apply for the reimbursement, please email Michelle Pare ( to let her know about your interest and experience she will send you a special code to register. You can register for just the 3 Thursday sessions (for which you will be reimbursed $200) or for both days (Friday fees will not be reimbursed).
Please remember that we are an all volunteer organization and be patient when waiting for responses.
Want to stay overnight? MSPA has a room block for 10/23 (Wednesday) and 10/24 (Thursday). The "cut-off date" for accepting reservations in this room block is Monday, 9/23/24. Reservation requests received after 5 PM will be accepted on a space-availability and rate-availability basis. Please direct all room reservation inquiries to reservations at 781.769.7900 or email
Payment Information
Payment by credit card: Credit cards can be processed through the registration process on this event page.
Payment by personal check: Complete the registration form, print invoice, and mail check (with invoice) made out to MSPA at least one week PRIOR to the event:
Payment by district-funded purchase order: Complete registration, print or save invoice, share invoice with your district, and have district e/mail purchase order at least one week PRIOR to the event. Please note that the discounted group rates (3+) are per-person, require everyone from the district to sign up as guests under one person, and that person must be a MSPA member.
C/O Samantha Capozzoli, Treasurer
10 Breezy Green Road
Leicester, Massachusetts 01524
Please contact Samantha Capozzoli, Treasurer with any questions about Purchase Orders:
Please note, MSPA charges a $75 cancellation fee for cancellations received less than seven days prior to the conference.
Continuing Education Policy The Massachusetts School Psychologists Association is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to offer contact hours. The DESE requires the completion of a pre-test, which will be sent to participants via email in the week prior to the conference. A post-test is also required and will be given at the end of the workshop. Participants must attend the ENTIRE CONFERENCE and satisfy state regulations in order to receive contact hours. Each participant is responsible for knowing and meeting the DESE licensure requirements. CE HOURS: The Massachusetts School Psychologists Association is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to sponsor continuing education (CE) for psychologists. In keeping with NASP requirements, these are awarded in contact hours only. CE hours will be awarded at the close of the workshop. MSPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Arriving more than 15 minutes late or failing to stay for the entire program will result in the inability to obtain a PD certificate. Certificates will only be distributed at the conclusion of the program to individuals who have arranged for payment.
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Member Resources
Massachusetts School Psychologists Association (MSPA) 1 Wells Avenue, Suite 007.Newton, MA 02459